Founder Sam Ryan

Founder Sam Ryan

I was raised catholic like my father and his father and so on. I watched my father go to church every Sunday and he would pray the prayers sing the songs and follow the rituals but he had an anger in him that I never understood. I always questioned religion I wouldn’t listen to the messages, I was a people watcher. I would see how people handled stress and every day obstacles. I would see how they would preach one thing but let fear worry and anxiety overtake them. I was always searching for something else something I knew was out there but I just hadn’t found it, but deep down I knew I would if I just
kept looking and didn’t give up.
I met a man who at first I was very skeptical of he would tell me things about my thinking and about
thinking in general that would come against what I had heard all my life. As I would sit and think about the things he would say I found that what he was telling me was leading to peace and joy in my life. He told me the truth he was telling me was already inside me I just had to begin to see it. The more he told me the more I would dive in and seek for more on my own. He was right, this truth once I was open to it and not set in my current thinking the more I would see it unfold in my life.
All I can say is this truth has transformed my life not changed it but transformed it. I was told I would
open my own business and now I own that very business. Everything that James Mandel told me about my life has come true. The goal of this truth is that you would realize that this truth is in everyone and if we just start applying the truth spoken in this place then you will find the peace and joy and
contentment you have been looking for all your life.
Please just give the messages a chance to touch your life and begin transforming you, The definition of insanity is doing the same things day after day but looking for different results. Lets stop the insanity!!!!


Sam R from Glory To The Nations on Vimeo.